Lesson #9- You can learn to enjoy Jazz. You can learn how to do anything.

My dad didn’t start out a Jazz fan at all. He found it confusing. He was not a musician, and he didn’t think of himself as having musical talent. Growing up, I rarely heard him sing, I sometimes heard him hum a tune, and sometimes he would clap his deformed hands.  As a burn victim, he couldn’t really flatten his hands to make much of a sound, but he tried nonetheless. He was always quiet when it came to music, so I have no idea really if my dad could carry a tune in a bucket.

Why did you start a Jazz Festival in North Bend Washington of all places?

"Why did you start a jazz festival? In North Bend Washington, of all places?" Ha. The better question is probably, why do I still run a jazz festival in North Bend? For those of you that don’t know, I started a jazz festival in 2011 called North Bend Jazz Walk, and six months later we … Continue reading Why did you start a Jazz Festival in North Bend Washington of all places?

Hey I published a book this month

I haven't been blogging as much lately, but for a really good reason... I finished, and published my first book. [ Sidebar, I actually wrote another book before this one but didn't publish it. ] Bebop by the Numbers is now available. Yes, you can buy it. Now available in 2 different versions. If you … Continue reading Hey I published a book this month