Lesson #13 – Don’t wait to go to the doctor

Continuing my series on Lessons from My Father… In my opinion, my dad learned this one the hard way, and it may have cost him his life. That pain in your back, well, you are not just getting old. It’s not your bed. You have cancer. I believe my dad waited too long to go to the doctor. This lesson I learned from him, as many of his other lessons, through my dad’s own mistake.

Read these books – *The Happiness Trap* & *Man’s Search for Meaning*

This month I have been consuming two books, one on audio and the other on my Kindle. I have admittedly shared before on my blog that I am a worrier, and for me it is dibilitating at times. I am also a procrastinator. Furthermore, I worry about being a procrastinator. Next, my mind is very good at judging me, and while sometimes that helps me do things that accomplish goals, often those judgements just beat me up and wear me down. Yeah, I intellectually get that my circumstance is not unique. Bottom line, I can’t seem to successfully live by the rules my mind makes up for me. It’s tiring, and often even depressing.

Don’t Do It! Procrastinate Your Way to Success – Seriously

Sounds odd doesn't it? After all why do today what you can put off till tomorrow? If you are like me you have had it beaten into you that procrastination is bad.  You've been told all your life to, "Take action. Do it now. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today." Blah blah blah yada yada yada.  Over and over again. Enough already.