It started with a question from a very good friend: “What kind of people are fun to be with?” I said, “Gamers”. That led to an idea, which led to another idea, which led to my recruiting my daughter, and then she got another idea. Well, today is the day we launched her game on Kickstarter. It’s called Symptomatic, and it began development in 2018. Check it out, and order your copies today on Kickstarter:

Symptomatic is a light and somewhat silly game about serious diseases! Manage your cards and combine various symptoms to infect others with deadly diseases, while utilizing cures to protect yourself. The goal is to be the healthiest player in the group when the first player dies.

Featuring plenty of brightly colored original art and goofy puns, Symptomatic is the mix of disease, decisions and dad jokes you never knew you needed.

Now available on Kickstarter

A Dad Thing

I can’t shout to the world enough how proud I am of my daughter Leslie for all she did to get to this point. This is a really great game, fun artwork, and fun to play. She has grown so much. I can’t wait to see what she does next.

There’s nothing like being a dad, I bet you mom’s out there feel the same way.

Buy this game! Order it on Kickstarter and help support this project for my daughter. Of course I am biased.

Oh, one more thing. The back story about the game is on the website with photo’s of concept art, etc.

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